hi there!
I’m Elizabeth. I’m a wife and mom of two daughters, a health coach, a yoga and group fitness instructor and a women’s wellness blogger.
My passion is to inspire women around the world to live a life with more balance, more mindfulness and more nourishment by shifting away from restriction and stress, and towards healthier daily choices, more self love and mindfully listening to what our bodies are asking for.
Because I believe that living a life of wellness should make you FEEL GOOD – in your body, in your mind and in your soul.
I light up when I see women become more empowered in creating the healthy habits that will support them for the long run. Habits like getting into the kitchen to make healthy and delicious foods, finding ways to move our bodies that feel good physically and mentally, setting up a solid nighttime routine for more restful and restorative sleep and decreasing our daily stress levels with activities that nourish our nervous systems.
Keep reading below to learn more…
my story
I haven’t always had such a balanced mindset around wellness.
I used to have a restrictive relationship with food and it was rooted in guilt and food rules. I didn’t understand how to listen for what my body wanted and I struggled to find balance with my mindset around healthy eating and exercise.
Being out of tune with my body and my spirit led to a period where I overconsumed both food and alcohol. I grew tired of living that way when I realized that it was wrecking me.
I knew I wanted to have a healthier relationship with myself and with food. I craved less controlling and a more balanced, more mindful connection with my body. I knew it didn’t have to feel so hard if I could just learn how to listen to my body.
When I enrolled in a Health Coach Training Program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in 2011, things slowly started to fall into place.
I knew I had to forget everything I knew about dieting and learn how to listen to my own body’s communication around what was best for ME. I knew it was time to simplify and focus on nourishing myself.
Elizabeth Finch Wellness will continue to be a place where I share my own learnings, inspirations and tips on how I’ve created healthy long-term habits, like getting into the kitchen and making more healthy and delicious foods that serve my body where I am now, finding ways to move that feel good physically and mentally, setting up a solid nighttime routine for more restful and restorative sleep, decreasing stress levels with things that nourish my nervous system and connecting with myself for my daily “spirit time.”
This blog is an extension of my own journey, and I’m so excited to share it all here.
A little bit more: I completed my health coach training program at IIN (The Institute for Integrative Nutrition) in 2012 and became a certified yoga teacher in 2018. In addition, I hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in marketing from the University of Arkansas. I am a regular monthly guest on KATV’s Good Morning Arkansas and THV11’s The Vine, and I have been featured in The Arkansas 100, Little Rock Soirée Magazine, FIT Arkansas, mindbodygreen, Thrive Global and more.
A few of my favorites: spending time with my college sweetheart and husband of 16 years (!!!) and our two daughters, ages 13 and 11, our pup Scout, hot yoga, long walks outside and really most any kinds of movement, books, quiet time, cooking healthy meals in my kitchen, hot baths, all things gut health and traveling. Not necessarily all at once.
professional bio
Elizabeth Finch is a wife and mom of two daughters, a health coach, a yoga and group fitness teacher and a leading women’s wellness blogger. Elizabeth is passionate about teaching women both locally and around the world how to live a life with more balance, more mindfulness and more nourishment.
After learning how to find her own balance around wellness, Elizabeth is now passionate about showing other women how to shift their mindsets around wellness away from restriction and stress, and towards healthier daily choices, more self-love and mindfully listening to what their bodies are asking for. She is the creator of ElizabethFinchWellness.com where she shares healthy yet delicious recipes that are simple, easy and family-friendly, and a variety of holistic wellness tips for women. She also teaches yoga classes locally.
Elizabeth is a regular guest on KATV’s Good Morning Arkansas and THV11’s The Vine, and she has been featured on Thrive Global, MindBodyGreen.com, The Arkansas 100, Little Rock Soirée magazine and FIT Arkansas among others.